Affirmations Can Really Attract Love

Affirmations Can Really Attract Love

I use affirmations on a daily basis in my own life, and the results are remarkable. Taking quiet time for yourself and developing a positive mindset is one of the most powerful life strategies there is. Most of us put ourselves down or compare ourselves negatively to others. Some people don’t realize that affirmations can really attract love.

Dating Affirmations Can be A Powerful Tool To Attract Love Into Your Life!

Using positive affirmations can change the negative self-talk into something more positive. Keeping your vibration high makes a big difference in attracting wonderful experiences into your life. Here are some that I find particularly uplifting and powerful. Allow their positive messages to keep you inspired and moving forward.

  1. I know that I have the power within me to create a life of fulfillment and joy.
  2. Love is all around me. I choose to have love in my life.
  3. I am special, unique and loveable. I love myself unconditionally.
  4. The divine plan of my life now takes shape in definite, concrete experiences leading to my heart’s desire.
  5. The genius within me is now released. I now fulfill my destiny.
  6. All doors open for happy surprises, and the Divine plan of my life is speeded up under grace.
  7. I know that it is impossible to fail when faith is present.
  8. Success, harmony, peace and confidence are mine.
  9. I enjoy life, for each day brings a constant demonstration of the power and the wonder of the universe and myself. I am open to miracles happening daily.
  10. I rely on myself. I am powerful and in control.
  11. There is no such thing as lack. The universe has infinite supply.
  12. The door is always open to admit the positive, the beautiful, the good and the aspiring.
  13. I begin each day with a positive outlook. I intend for wonderful things to happen.
  14. I deserve to be loved and know that I am loveable.
  15. I live in the now with great expectations for the future.
  16. I treat myself with kindness and expect the same from others.
  17. I am always open to new ideas. I have an open mind and an open heart.
  18. My life is drama-free. I am centered and at peace.
  19. The right person for me appreciates my uniqueness and creativity.
  20. My heart is open and receptive to a loving relationship. I deserve the best!

Use these affirmations or make up your own and let me know what magic happens!

~ Happy Dating


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